I came, I saw, and I won. This expression feels right we give the club Frans Darmawan Option. Not only just coming prophesied able to reach the highest degree Autoblackthrough The King of Yogyakarta on the first time participating in this event. Men who served as Commissioner of PT Solo Marble appears snaps together Citroen BX 19 GTI lansiran year 1991 with the theme of Aliens MODIF Citroen Concept.
Setting the stage has been made cars and slick like a car with the background of an alien in a UFO above earth. Seen protruding from this car is the body openings that can be done automatically using the remote. Recorded four body parts that can be opened via remote from the hood, doors, roof, and rear trunk. As discussed below Frans "Changes in the Citroen was started from the body, glass, and doors all use the material plate with motorized and pneumatic systems"